Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Eternal Focus: The story that literally changed my life!

This is the story that literally rocked my world, stopped me in my tracts, and totally changed my life from that moment on...

"An experienced big-city firefighter was charged recently with grave neglect of duty.  Prosecutors maintain that he abandoned his responsibility and betrayed the people of the city when he failed to release rescue equipment during a  recent fire, resulting in the needless and tragic deaths of a family of five.

 The lead prosecuting attorney said that for more than three minutes after arriving at the scene, the firefighter sat in his vehicle, wearing earphones and listening to a CD, while a family of five screamed to be rescued from the sixth floor of the burning building.  Horrified bystanders reported that as flames licked at the mother's clothes she cried out in terror and fell to her death, still clutching an infant in her arms.

The distraught onlookers also said that the father held two terrified children as the massive flames engulfed him.  This terrifying drama took place in full view of the firefighter as he remained seated in the fire truck, listening to the CD.

Eyewitnesses were sickened when they discovered that the reason the firefighter had remained in the locked emergency vehicle was simply to test a new high tech CD player that he had purchased as a gift for the fire chief.

The chief immediately distanced himself from the defendant and dishonorable discharged him from the fire department.  IN a prepared statement, the chief said that there were no words to describe such a betrayal of those the firefighter was sworn to protect.

At the trial, the defense pleaded, "no contest," but added that the defendant had gone to great personal sacrifice to purchase the expensive gift for the chief, and he hoped that the judge would take that into account when passing sentence. 

What do you think would be a fitting punishment for this fire fighter's serious crime - probation?  Two years in jail?  Twenty years?  Life? Death?  What sentence would you give the negligent firefighter?  Please make a judgement.

Do you enjoy worshiping God?  Most people in the Church would say they do.  Every Sunday all across the country, auditoriums are filled with hand-raising, God-loving Christians singing their praises to God.  That's understandable, because when the Holy Spirit dwells within us, it's not hard to worship our Creator.  IN the light of the Cross, it's as natural to worship God as it is for flowers to open their petals in the warm sunlight.

May I ask you a personal question?  When was the last time you share your faith with an unsaved person?  When did you last go out of your way to witness to a stranger?  In his book, The Coming Revival, Dr. Bill Bright notes that only two percent of American churchgoers share their faith with others.  That is tragic.  IF the love of God dwells in us, how can we not be horrified by the fate of the lost?  Yet, many professing Christians today are so locked into worship (with the volume turned high) that they seem to give little or not thought to the fact that all who die in their sins will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8).

Did you know that if you allow another human being to die when it's within your ability to save him, you are guilty of something called, "depraved indifference?"  They are applicable words.  "Depraved" means that it's as low as you can get, and "indifference" means that you couldn't care less.  Think now of the terrible neglect of that firefighter.  What sentence did you give him?  Did you throw him in jail for two years?  Did you think that such a hard-hearted human being (someone who could be only concerned with himself_ should be given the death sentence?  Then judge yourself by the same standard because if you are not concerned for the lost, then you are that firefighter.  If you are not seeking to save them with fear, "pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh" (Jude 1:23), you are guilty of the serous crime of "depraved indifference."

Am I saying that if we don't evangelize, we're not saved?  Of course not.  But if we would expect a firefighter to make saving lives a priority, are we honest enough to judge ourselves by the same standard?  Are we doing all we can to rescue the lost, or are we sitting passively in the pews while people perish?

I know that what I am saying is hard to say without sounding harsh and judgmental, but I can't think of any other way to say it.  Please, don't be offended. Stay with me.  My purpose is not to offend, but to get your attention and present things as they really are, and they are not good.  My story of the firefighter was fictitious, but what is happening in the contemporary Church is real.  Think of it; only 2 percent doing what we are commanded to do.  Oswarld J. Smith said, "Oh, my friends, we are loaded down with countless church activities, while the real work of the Church, that of evangelizing and winning the lost, is almost entirely neglected."  We have been gazing to the heavens while sinners are sinking into Hell.

Worship is the highest calling of every Christian, and we can see in the book of Revelation that the Church will one day be consumed in worship before the throne of the Almighty.  We are going to worship God for eternity.  But when we look back at the book of Acts, we don't find the Church consumed with worship.  Instead, we find it was obsessed with reaching the lost, to the point that they willingly gave their lives to preach the gospel.

So, please, reevaluate your priorities, take off the earphones, unlock the doors, become equipped, and demonstrate the depth of your love for God by rescuing those who are about to perish."

If you are interested in reading more you can read the whole first chapter of the book that this story is from free! I guarantee your perspective will never be the same!

Pages 4-7, The Way of the Master; By: Ray Comfort

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Eternal Focus: We have to stop putting off our life with Christ.

Do you ever say to yourself...next week I'll start obeying God or His Word...next week I'll stop doing this particular sin....next week I'll start trying to talk to my mom, who doesn't have a relationship with Christ... I don't know about y'all but I've found myself in that situation numerous times and I had 2 things heavily convict me today (specifically regarding witnessing and getting back on the wagon) and I thought I would write about it.

I read "My Utmost for His Highest" devotion daily.  Today's devotion got me thinking...why do I put things off...why not start NOW...in whatever situation I"m in...here's the part that got me....

You say, “Yes, Lord, just a minute— I still have this to do. Yes, I will abide as soon as this is finished, or as soon as this week is over. It will be all right, Lord. I will abide then.” Get moving— begin to abide now. In the initial stages it will be a continual effort to abide, but as you continue, it will become so much a part of your life that you will abide in Him without any conscious effort. Make the determination to abide in Jesus wherever you are now or wherever you may be placed in the future.

I find myself continually going through spurts...speaking to EVERYONE about Christ...then going back into my comfort zone and not doing so much..."Next week I'll buy more tracts"...."Next week I'll write an INCREDIBLE blog entry"...next week comes and goes....so then I read that devotional...and then next out of nowhere I get a text from a 2011 Senior Client of mine with the following verse:

"Above all, be strong and very courageous to carefully observe the whole instruction My servant Moses commanded you.  Do not turn from it to the right or the left, so that you will have success wherever you go. This book of instruction must not depart from your mouth;  you are to recite it day and night, so that you may carefully observe everything written in it. For then you will prosper and succeed in whatever you do. Haven't I commanded you: be strong and courageous?  Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." ~Joshua 1:7-9

And right then and there I got back on the wagon...I stopped making excuses that because I'm out of tracts I can't witness, or because I've written about witnessing 1,000 times I shouldn't do it again.  I need to meditate on His Laws...and teach others to do just that....and as I was going about my daily routines, paying bills or mailing out invoices I started writing http://www.needgod.com/ on the back of the envelopes. I do this often, but then again sometimes I talk myself out of it by saying my mail lady is probably sick of seeing this...or that same accounts payable chick probably thinks I'm a religious freak...but you know what I don't care...if that one website allows people to look at God's Law and use it as a mirror to see their own sin and repent and stop making excuses and living their life for Christ...then I've done my part as His Witness...and helped bring another sheep into the fold....and if no one comes to Christ through this action...then no harm done, at least I"m being obedient, and THAT...that's what it's all about.  Let's start obeying Christ...and letting His Spirit do the rest. 

You can witness anytime anywhere, you just have to be creative!  Use http://www.needgod.com/ whenever you have to hand write anything  credit card receipts, checks (in the memo), envelopes....possibilities are endless!
So I challenge you... start writing http://www.needgod.com/ on the back of your envelopes...think of how many hands it will pass through...and how curious people are to read your little hand written note...and let's face it that web address is pretty catchy and easy to remember....so starting today add that to your outgoing mail.

Friday, June 10, 2011

2012 Senior Photo Shoot Contest for the Baton Rouge and Surrounding Area!

2012 Seniors are you interested in winning a FREE photo shoot with Eternal Focus Photography????

To see more senior photos visit http://www.eternalfocusphotos.com/

Eternal Focus Photography is running a contest starting June 10th. 

What do I win?

  • FREE sitting fee (A normal shoot requires $250.00 upfront)
  • 1 hour shoot
  • Unlimited outfit changes
  • Location of your choice within the Baton Rouge and surrounding area
  • 15 images on a CD (Images on a CD can cost up to $100 each and yet you're getting 15 FREE).
  • 1/2 off any prints, books, or canvases (You could literally save hundreds of dollars on all your senior printing needs including wallets, announcements, coffee table books, and canvases)
Because facebook has new rules and regulations regarding contests things are going to be a little different.  To enter please do the following:
  • Email a snap-shot to eternal_focus_photos@yahoo.com using "2012 Senior Contest" as the subject. Photos will be posted on Eternal Focus Photography's Blog in a entry entitled "2012 Senior Contest with Eternal Focus Photography" within 24 hours. Any snap shot will do, it's just so you're friends and family recognize you...so get those phones out and snap a pic :)
  • Have friends and family leave a comment on the blog stating that they are voting for you. (They will need to have or create a google account, live journal, WordPress, TypePad, AIM or OpenID)
  • Make sure you and your friends/family share this info by clicking the facebook, twitter, blogger, or email button toward the bottom of this page/entry so that you can have even more people know about the contest and vote :)
  • You, and anyone that you want voting should "LIKE" Eternal Focus Photography's facebook because I will be posting the blog updates with contestant pictures and updates on who is currently in the lead. (Although this isn't required it's highly recommended)
  • The person whose picture has the most votes by 12 noon on Monday, June 20th wins.
Interested in booking a session or would like to see more of our work visit http://www.eternalfocusphotos.com/ or call 225-439-5444.

Monday, June 6, 2011

What's the condition of your heart?

"But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience."
Luke 8:15

For years my heart fell into the category of the shallow soil upon the rock...then the rock was removed yet the thorns of life choked out the seed...finally after years of plowing up the soil and thorns being uprooted my heart was finally prepared for the seed to take root...Don't give up on that person...continue to plant seeds, you never know what is going on in someones heart. ~ Brooke

"At any time, the receptiveness of your heart will determine your response to God's Word (Luke 8:5-18).  If your heart is like the trampled ground, hardened by the sin of bitterness and unforgiveness, you will be unable to accept a message from God. Though you hear the words of the message, you will remain unchanged.  If your heart is like the shallow soil on top of a rock, you will accept God's Word in your mind, but the truth will not penetrate you heart to make a difference in your actions.  A heart like thorny soil is a life that is distracted by the cares of the world; the pursuit of earthly pleasures prevents God's Word from taking hold and produing righteousness.  The heart that is like good soil recieves a word from God, applies it, and brings forth fruit in due time.  This is the heart that Jesus desires in us, for the fruit will by a Christlike life.

Any time you hear a word from God, whether through bible reading, prayer, or worship, the way you respond will depend on how you have cultivated you heart (Hos. 10:12).  How do you develop a heart that is like good soil?  Repent of any bitterness, anger or unforgivenss.  Meditate on God's Word until it enters deep into your heart and not just you mind.  Let Him bring His Word into reality in your life (Gal. 6:9).  See that you don't devote all of your energy to worldly concerns, rather than to pursuing your relationship with God.  The condition of your heart will vary, depending on how you cultivate it.  If it was receptive  to a word from God yesterday, this does not guarantee it is receptive today.  Daily prepare you heart for the word God has for you!"

~Exoeriencing God Day by Day, By: Henry T. Blackaby Y Richard Blackaby

Friday, May 13, 2011

April's Contest Winners: Kala & Cory Sides

Man was this a fun contest to watch! Kala  & Cory were neck and neck with another couple all the way up until the end...it was a nail biter to say the least!  I had a blast on this shoot, and stepped out of my comfort zone, and actually TOUCHED a spider!  EEEEEK!!!  Turns out Kala thinks they are ickier than I do, so me being the photographer/super woman than I am, saved the day :)  This sucker was 2-3 inches round...the fact that it was a granddaddy-long-leg is besides the point....

Back to Kala and Cory...what a sweet couple!!!  Although the great outdoors isn't actually their "thing", they were the perfect customers, willing to do as Kala says "anything for a good photo".  Now that's my kinda girl!  We had a blast camping, picnicking, walking, dancing...the list goes on and on!  Hope y'all enjoy the pictures!  If any of you are interested in a shoot visit http://www.eternalfocusphotos.com/ or call 225-439-5444!  Thanks to everyone for participating in last months contest, I will be doing another one once I hit 1,000 "LIKES" so spread the word!!!  And if you know Kala and Cory feel free to copy & paste this blog address as a link to show off on your page!

I think he must've liked what he saw.....

Because , boyyyyyyy did he move fast, but Kala didn't seem to mind...granted, she played the faux innocent part well :)))))

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

This Social Media thing is kickin' my tail!!!

Me + website = DISASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yesterday I was having MAJOR issues trying to redesign my website.  I facebooked my brother-in-law, which is an AMAZING graphic designer and web designer with T2, but I got impatient when I didn't get an immediate response....I know I know, patience is a virtue....one in which I'm still actively seekin' :)  So I remembered I had another friend who just got out of school for programming I messaged her and she said she would look into but hours went by with no changes....I thought maybe she couldn't start doing stuff till after work yesterday....so I started trying to mess with it again and decided to try a different template (even though I had fallen in love with the one that I was having major problems with). I changed all the pages to reflect the new template and then all of the sudden the computer ...or the site became possessed by Satan (or so I thought) and started changing everything back and my website was alllll screwed up again!  Turns out me and the lady started working on it at the same time and she was changing it back, lol...I thought it was fixed and the pages were "starting" at the top like they were supposed to (the problem was the text and pictures were showing up half way down the page leaving a GYNORMOUS amount of blank space at the top)...until we added sub-pages and then it turned back into a disaster....sooooo I'm going with the different template idea again...sighhhhhh.....I wish I had found a magic lamp and had 3 wishes!  Oh, by the way, after I got the issued resolved I fb'ed by brother-in-law again to tell him that it was fixed and not to worry about it, and he promptly responded "glad I could be of service" or something stupi...eh-hmmmm...I mean brilliant like that....NO MORE FAMILY PICS FOR HIM AT CHRISTMAS TIME...I may just wrap up some cat poo....MERRY CHRISTMAS BUDDY!!! lolololololol......oops sorry....****THINK CHRISTIAN THOUGHTS*****....ok I'm back...
I better get off of here....too much coffee it looks like!  Check out the new and improved website when you get a sec, I'm still updating the gallery...so check back again later to see even more updates ...  I better get off here now...too much coffee...

Monday, May 9, 2011

I wanna schedule a photo session, but I need to lose weight first....

"I wanna schedule a photo session, but I need to lose weight first."

How many of you feel this way?  Well trust me, you are NOT alone!!!!  I hear this line weekly, and quite frankly, I gave this line to a fellow-photographer this year!  I've got good news....I found something that WORKS!!!!!!!!!

During the Thanksgiving holidays I traveled to the Smokies to celebrate with family, and of course I brought my camera along.  Since starting up Eternal Focus Photography, I have been the one BEHIND the camera...well I asked someone to snap a shot of me and my dad and then one of me and my husband on this trip and HOLY GUACAMOLE....my BEHIND needed to get back BEHIND the camera!!!  Where in the world had all this weight came from, and why had I not noticed it before these pictures???????  So then after Thanksgiving comes Christams and while celebrating the birth of our Lord, I, of course have to celebrate with every dessert known to man and then some known only in a couple of distant galaxies.  Then comes New Years...and well you get the picture....and speaking of picture here is the pic of me and my husband from the Smokies...

I contemplated not posting this due to old high school friends...but Oh well....I refuse to make it bigger though due to the muffin top and large moon face...it's still morning time and people need to keep down their breakfast.

After 17 attempts to take a self-portrait with my cell phone...this is literally the best I could do..I'll have to get some professional pics done this summer...and yes it's May and I have a polar fleece jacket on, my office is FREEZING!

After the 1st of the year I decided to do something about it.  I bought P90X, which I'm positive works...but when I started gaining muscle and not shedding the weight fast, I became discouraged. I know that sounds silly, but surely someone out there knows how I feel, lol.  Then I got back on Weight Watchers, which worked with my baby weight...but for whatever reason I just couldn't stick with it this time.  So I did low carbs again...I lost TONS of weight on that before...it just wasn't coming off this time.  People were saying "It's because you're getting older, your metabolism slowed down"....Oh great...I"m only 33 and I"m in the OLD category!  I know Jesus died at this very age, but come on....I'm not THAT old!

So a friend of mine brought the HCG diet to my attention, just before I was going to get back on diet pills.  I started doing a little research and thought.."Eh...it's worth a try".  OH MY GOODNESS....IT WORKS!!!!!!  I have lost 27 pounds in 35 days!!  I should have lost more...but when I did my research, I didn't do a very good job, lol....a read the main points and skipped the rest.  Soooo for all of you looking for something that works let me tell you what I did.

Google HCG diet and they will tell you the basic do's and don'ts etc.  The 1st step is the Prep Stage to cleanse your body.  I picked up some info from my local health food store and it gave you 39 (Literally) different things to do, some of which were crazy like THROW AWAY your microwave....ummmmm...not gonna happen.  So I googled a natural body cleanse and the first thing that popped up was the Cabbage Soup diet....don't roll your eyes and stop reading...it's not as bad as it sounds...this is a diet given by doctors for heart patients and it's not ALL cabbage soup...so check out the cabbage soup diet I lost 8 pounds in a week with this. I bought my HCG spray from a  health food store and it says Pharmeceutical-Homeopathic, incase you were wondering. When you start the Low Calorie diet...follow the diet to a "T"...I didn't lose weight some days and even gained weight by taking a bite of things I wasn't supposed to eat.  It's not JUST about the calorie count...it has to do with the kinds of food and how it responds chemically with the HCG hormone...there are NO SUBSTITUTIONS.  For example I had 1 Cheeto...ONE...and I skipped my fruit for the day, thinking I could swap calories....and I didn't lose wait....so don't make this mistake.  Also when it says to eat apples....eat only green apples...red apples have more sugar.

So if you are interested...it sounds rough but while taking HCG you're not starving...just drink tons of water and you will be thrilled with the results :))))    After my 40 days...I plan to start back on the P90X to firm up and then just watch my calories...

A few more of the 17, I'm terrible taking my own picture and I'm HORRIBLE taking pictures with a cell phone...it's like I had wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too much coffee b/c every picture was blurred!