Tuesday, February 22, 2011

If you REALLY care...you'll talk about that earthquake!

The title sounds crazy, I know....but, let me explain. 

When talking to strangers, co-workers, or the lost in general, "it may be a relief to know that you shouldn't walk up to someone and begin a converstation by talking about Jesus.  They'll most likely think you're strange.  Bright lights in the eyes is always offensive.  Instead, start in the natural realm (talking about everyday things) & then swing the conversaton toward the spiritual realm (talking about spriritual things).  That's the way Jesus did it in John 4:7-26.  When He met the woman at the well, he began talking about natural things (a drink of water).  He then swung the conversation to sprititual things ("living water").

You may start talking about football or the weather, and then perhaps use something in the news to swing to the subject of spiritual things"...LIKE THAT HUGE EARTHQUAKE IN NEW ZEALAND.  After you bring up something like that you can then say something like "What do you think happens when a person dies?  Where do they go?  You haven't mentioned God, sin, Judgement Day, or Hell.  You are just asking they what they think.  SO you won't feel uncomfortable.  Most people are pleased to give their opinion on anything."  If you aren't comfortalbe sharing the gospel yet (because you need more practice) then bring tracts.  Tracts to me sound "old school" and boring...but there are some really cool ones out there that aren't a bore to read at all and will actually cause people to ask for more...it happens to me all the time...in fact they ALWAYS bring a smile to people's faces.  Go to http://www.wayofthemaster.com/ and hit the store tab and their are TONS of different ones to choose from.

"It doesn't matter how you do it (swing from the natural to the spiritual), only that you do it.  Again start in the natual realm so they don't think you're a religious nut, and then make the trasition any way you want. that will lead you directly into a conversation about the things of God.  Remember, most people are not offended when the subject of God comes up, despite what our over ripe, fear-filled imaginations tell us."

To read more concerning this...check out the only other Book, besides the Bible that changed my life.  Click on the following link and the entire book is found on line. 


Once again...thanks for taking the time o read this.

There goes another minute.  Gone forever.  Go share your faith while you still have time.

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