Last week I posted the above picture on facebook and got a lot of feedback so I thought I would elaborate...
As, Christians we know or should know that Jesus commanded us to share the gospel with EVERYONE. How many Christians actually obey the Great Commission? Studies show only about 2% of us do. 2%!!!!!!!!!!!!! That. Is. C.R.A.Z.Y!!!!!!!!! Something Jesus actually commanded us to do and only 2 out of 100 people are doing it! Let's start changing that percentage. The above picture was taken at a gas pump. The peice of paper that reads I.Q. Test is actually a tract that is just the right size to fit any place a credit card would. You can find these and many similar ones at But think about pull up to the gas pump you go to put your card in the slot and see one of have to pull it out to put your card in, and the front question grabs ya...It's states I.Q. TEST "What is greater than God, worse than the devil, the dead eat it, and if the living eat it they die? (Check side 2 for the answer) So they flip the card and voila the gospel is spelled out...and at the bottom of the card the answer of the quiz: "NOTHING".
Now if you are a Negative-Nelly or Debbie-Downer like me you'll say to yourself "tracts don't work"...or "who would ever get saved by reading that?" but Joey Hancock of the American Tract Society says that. "Fifty-three percent of all who come to Christ worldwide come through the use of printed gospel literature." 53%???!!!! That's over 1/2 of Christians today world-wide are saved not because of someone verbally shared their faith but because someone stepped out of their comfort zone and gave them a TRACT!!! Who knew???? Not me. what do you have to lose? Leaving tracts around is the 1st step in becoming bolder for Christ.
Here are a few more ideas on where to leave tracts:
- In with your checks when you pay a bill...I always include a handwritten note written on a sticky pad with these.
- In public bathrooms....hey they got a few minutes to spare with nothing better to do :)
- In clothes pockets at stores....go ahead you sllllllyyyyyyy fox you can do this!
- On seats in restaurant lobbies or dr's waiting areas
- On ATMS (the credit card sized ones fit great where your ATM card should go and the million dollar bills fit great where the cash comes out)
- You can order the money ones at and they fit great in the cash slot in vending machines...the coke machine will suck it in and spit it back out....but it stays (it won't fall out) step back and watch peoples eyes pop out as they run to the machine to grab it....and even though it's fake people get a good laugh out of finding a million dollar bill
I'll be posting more ideas along with personal stories, videos, and pictures over the next few check back...and don't forget to "FOLLOW" this blog by clicking the "FOLLOW" button at the bottom of the page!
P.S. 100 tracts cost $5 that's less than a movie ticket...and if just one soul is's soooooo worth it!!!
There goes another minute. Gone forever. Go share your faith while you still have time.
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